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401 Kildaire Road
Chapel Hill, NC, 27516
United States

919 929-3585

Chapel Hill Day Care Center is a full day early childhood education program for children 8 weeks old to 5 years. Accreditation through the National Association for the Education of Young Children assures parents that we follow best practices based on research about how children develop and learn, and the environment and interactions that best support learning.



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It is our goal to provide a holistic learning environment for our three to five year old children that is both developmentally appropriate, intellectually stimulating, and fun!

The way we teach children does not look the same as teaching at the elementary school level. Center visitors will not see children sitting at desks using paper and pencil to learn the "letter of the week," because preschool and pre-k children benefit most from activities that use different senses and modes of learning. Observers will see teachers incorporating literacy, math, and science activities in a more integrated way. For example, when children engage in a cooking activity they have an opportunity to measure ingredients, read a recipe that contains unfamiliar words, follow directions in a particular sequence, learn through multiple senses, predict what will happen, combine liquid and dry ingredients to create a different substance, take turns, and enjoy the snack that they created.

Learn more about academic rigor through developmentally appropriate practice here.

Learn more about the benefits of play in preschool and how it helps develop higher level thinking skills here.   

Classroom Interest Centers

Our preschool classrooms have a variety of interest centers that children explore daily. The centers are designed to support all areas of development and learning, including pre-reading, math, problem solving, and small and large muscle development.  Teachers vary the materials in the interest centers as part of their weekly lesson planning based on the week's topic of study, learning goals for the group of children, and individual children's goals. Children select the center they want to explore and, to optimize learning the number of children allowed in a center at the same time may be limited. 

Learn more about our classroom interest centers here.